Friday, August 20, 2010

What Is America Really!

What is America really? I mean, what have this country come to? This is not The United States of Mexico People!!!!!! Muslims are calling Americans stupid and slapping the American people in the face. The Chinese and Korean people are robbing neighborhoods in broad daylight. The Iranians and Nigerians are buying America piece by piece. Sounds silly (huh)? Well, this is not the Simpsons where Homer floods the entire town and called it art. Instead this is real life Washington (Capitol Hill). What's the reason? (Good question) Mr. President Obama, what is the reason? Many people voted for you (President Obama) because you were black and it was said that you were the change we needed as a nation. As a nation what we need to do is come together as a people. My first response was upset to know a black man was running for Presidency of The United States of America. I’m African American- Black. I wasn’t upset because I felt a white man could do a better job. That’s proven all on its own if we look over the past 400 years. I was upset because I felt like it would make it harder for black people.

One of the comments I made to a close friend of mine was what does everyone think (Talking about black people) do they believe it will make it better for black people or worst for blacks. I believe all those prejudice people will come out of the wool worth. All that prejudice that have been pushed under the rug I felt and still feel those small minded people will come out and criticize not just the President, but all black people. Since Mr. Obama is the leading black man this gives them a reason to come out the closet with their true feeling. Look at what’s happened all ready. Openly using the N***** word on network television stations and producing monkey dolls is not an improvement people. Instead it’s the civil rights movement all over again. That’s why I was upset at the thought of an African American running this country. I my-self would still take a position even if it was going to piss off another race. That’s understandable, but haven’t we been through enough movement struggles. As long as there is war and we don’t get along with one another there will ever more be a movement. I also believe the reason we as a nation, not moving forward the way we should is because many people don’t understand politics as well what’s happening politically. The people that voted for Obama also don’t understand economics or what’s happing economically.

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